Marcus Whitman: 4th Grade- Mrs. Borozan 1961-1962

Row 1 (top): Ronah Poquette, Ron Baars, Karen Knirck, Wayne Long, Karen Strand, Unknown.
Row 2: Kathy Miller, David Leonard, Unknown, Mrs Borozan, Jim Qualheim, Gwen Vaughan.
Row 3: Unknown, Rose Dickson, Debbie Selz, Unknown, Peggy Bolson, Earl Hall.
Row 4 (bottom): Eddie Eskeli, Unknown, Karen Strickland, Chuck Felder, Unknown, Unknown.

thanx to Jim Qualheim for the photos..... and Karen Strand (Winslow) for the new names!
If you know any of these kids,
please email me at .
Please place them by row and position.

Last updated: June 30, 2022

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